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Richmond Symphony League 19th Designer House Project

Casa Amada Designs was honored to be part of the Richmond Symphony League 19th Designer House! We were one of the designers chosen to design one of the 22 spaces at the Taylor Estate located at 2325 Monument Avenue. .

from Richmond Times Dispatch

"Designed by renowned Richmond architect W. Duncan Lee, the 12,000-square-foot home was built for Jaquelin Plummer Taylor, founder of Universal Leaf Tobacco Corporation, in 1915. At the time, it cost $45,000 to build, roughly $1.3 million today. It has been owned by the Taylor family ever since.

The Designer House, the signature fundraising event for the Richmond Symphony League, was last held in 2018. Dual challenges of the pandemic and securing a suitable property to host the showcase caused their traditional biennial schedule to be disrupted, delaying the debut of the 19th home in the series.

Here are before photos of the 2nd floor bathroom before the remodel

click on a photo for a larger view

After Photos of the Remodel

click on a photo for a larger view

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